
Corporation for the Development of 
חברה לפיתוח משקי מפרץ חיפה בע"מ
Haifa Bay Settlements Ltd


Milouot Corporation

The Milouot Corporation Milouot founded in 1960, is a conglomerate of factories and companies, owned by 23 kibbutzim and 2 moshavim. Its name comes from a biblical reference to the interlocking fittings on the garment s worn by the High Priest. This reflects the fundamental cooperative ideals of the owner-settlements, with each contributing its abilities and expertise towards Milouot’s economic undertakings.
phone2, phone, contact, telephone, support, call
location2, location, map, marker, pin
  D.N. Ashrat 1032900
print2, print, printer


All Right Reserved Milouot LTD. 2022
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Milouot-Genaral Mailbox 


 Tel: 972-4-9859362